
Pendle Leisure Trust is committed to providing lifestyle improvement/wellness opportunities to the community through the services which it provides. Therefore we take any complaint very seriously.

Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure in Stages

Customer Commitment

Our commitment to you

  • To treat everyone fairly and courteously.
  • To listen to what our customers are saying and try our best to meet their needs.
  • To respond quickly to requests and always try to meet target times.

Our venues will be

  • Clean and safe to use.
  • Furnished with equipment which is in good working order and checked and maintained regularly.
  • Illuminated, heated and ventilated to ensure comfort and safety for playing or viewing conditions.
  • Our swimming pools will be maintained at recommended temperatures, be balanced chemically and tested regularly to ensure customer comfort and safety and kept in a warm, clean, safe and hygienic condition.

All ancillary areas including changing rooms, showers and toilets, will be

  • Clean, hygienic and in good working order.
  • Checked by staff every hour and remedial action taken where necessary.
  • Maintained at a temperature which is comfortable and complementary to other areas.

Staff will be

  • Trained and appropriately qualified.
  • Easily identifiable by wearing their uniforms at all times.
  • Helpful, experienced and informative to ensure that your visit is safe and enjoyable.

Finally we will

  • Listen and be responsive to comments, complaints and suggestions.
  • Maintain a balanced programme of activities and services which cater for the needs of all sections of the community.
  • Publish up-to-date and accurate customer information for all activities.
  • Set prices to ensure value for money.
  • Undertake regular surveys of our customers to ensure that we continue to meet their stated priorities.

Pendle Leisure Trust’s Complaints Procedure

The following process consists of three separate stages. Please ensure you follow each of the stages set out below.

Stage 1

TELL US! Contact the Duty Manager to see if the matter can be resolved to your satisfaction. If this is not possible, a formal procedure will be adopted. We will record your complaint and give you a copy as your record. Wherever possible you will receive a written response within 10 days.

If you are still dissatisfied you should go to Stage 2.

Stage 2

Contact the Admin Manager at Number One Market Street, Nelson, stating the nature of your complaint and this will be passed to the relevant Senior Manager to deal with your complaint.

Stage 3

If you are still dissatisfied, contact the Chief Executive of Pendle Leisure Trust.

Registered Office:

Number One Market Street



Telephone: 01282 661224


Pendle Leisure Limited – an exempt charity with charity number XR43029 and a registered society under the Cooperative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 with registration number 29131R

Pendle Leisure Trust Family