
National Cholesterol Month 2021

Friday, 1st October 2021

This month is National Cholesterol Month, which aims to raise awareness about cholesterol levels and how it can impact your lifestyle.

Cholesterol is a fatty substance in our blood and having too much of it can leave you more susceptible to heart problems or a stroke. High cholesterol is usually caused by an unhealthy diet, smoking, drinking alcohol or not exercising enough, however it can also be genetic and run in families.

There are no symptoms to having high cholesterol and you can only find out by having a blood test, however, there are things you can do to keep your cholesterol low or to reduce it if you know that yours is high.

Eating less fatty foods, such as butter, cheese, cakes and biscuits, can really help to lower your cholesterol. Instead, try eating more oily fish, brown rice, fruit an vegetables.

Drinking alcohol and smoking can also have a negative impact on your cholesterol levels. Cutting back or stopping all together will not only improve this, but it will help your overall health too.

Exercise is another great way to reduce your cholesterol (plus, it will improve your overall fitness and well-being).

There are no specific exercises that will work on your cholesterol, but more movement and activity will really benefit you and take your cholesterol level from high to low. Whether you go for a run, walk, swim or hit the gym, it all helps.

In fact, studies have also shown that regular exercise may even change the nature of our cholesterol. Results of studies have shown that exercise improved the number and size of the particles carrying cholesterol through the body. Those who exercised more had larger, “fluffier” particles that were less likely to clog arteries.

If you’re new to exercise, gentle activities, such as swimming or yoga can be a great way to ease yourself in. They’re also easier on your joints. However, lifting weights is also hugely beneficial.

Weight lifting, or resistance training, is known to help protect your cardiovascular health and bring that cholesterol number down.

There are lots of perks to exercising, but if reducing cholesterol is one of your motivations, then why not get started today?!

Our Activo membership gives you access to all of our facilities – 3 pools, 4 gyms, fitness classes and athletics track. Whichever exercise you want to try, we’ve got you covered!

Click here to learn more about what we offer.