SG Nomination for Trustee

SG Nomination for Trustee

NAME: Shaun Grant                       PLACE OF WORK: Pendle Leisure Centre

POSITION HELD: Centre Manager

In order to provide an informative Ballot Sheet provide a brief paragraph on why you wish to become a Trustee (remember not everyone knows everyone else in Leisure!)

Dear board of trustees, my name is Shaun Grant,I am excited to be applying for the Staff Representative.

I have worked for Pendle Leisure Trust for 15 years and now feel the time is right for me in my career to be applying for the role from the experience I have gained in various positions.

In the last 6 years I have been in full time Management positions, currently the Center Manager at Pendle Leisure Center for the last 8 months.

Pendle LeisureTrust has helped me develop into person I am today and has given me the best possible platform to build a career I care passionately about. The future of PLT is very important to me and being a staff representative puts me in the very best position. Every decision myself or my team make is in the best interest of Pendle Leisure Trust.

I hope this, along with my current role puts me in an excellent position to repay the faith and loyalty I’ve shown over the years to ensure the very best for PLT’s future.