
​Harness the Power of Exercise for World Mental Health Day

Tuesday, 10th October 2023

Did you know that one of the main motivators for getting active in 2023 is to improve our mental health? We’re moving away from the idea that the gym is for fitness buffs and is now more than ever a safe place for people to clear their minds and feel the true and natural impact of endorphin release. In support of World Mental Health Day 2023, this blog will explore the multiple benefits of exercise on mental health and how we can help you on your journey to improved well-being.

1. Improved Sleep 

Sleep is the foundation of good mental health. Poor sleep can lead to a host of mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. However, with regular exercise you can help to regulate sleep patterns, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

2. Enhanced Mood

We all know the feeling of that post-workout buzz that gets us out of the house in the winter because “you’ll feel better once it’s done”. This is the work of endorphins, often referred to as "feel-good" hormones which get released once we exercise. These chemicals can help alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, making them a natural mood-booster!

3. Stress Relief

In today's fast-paced world, stress can sometimes be inevitable. Luckily, something as simple as regular physical activity can act as a powerful stress reliever. It helps reduce the production of stress hormones like cortisol while increasing the production of neurotransmitters that promote relaxation. The benefits of this can be felt from any kind of exercise, whether swimming is your chosen sport, or a Zumba class is more your bag, or even something as simple as a conscious effort to take a few extra trips up and down the stairs. It really doesn’t matter what you choose to do as long as you’re getting up and doing it!

4. Increased Energy and Endurance

When you exercise regularly, you'll notice that you have more energy throughout the day, making it easier to tackle those tasks and responsibilities that once felt like the end of the world to get started. Even as much as a walk around the block can give you the motivation and energy you need to hang out the washing or make that phone call you’ve been putting off.

5. Reduced Tiredness

Ironically, exercise can reduce feelings of tiredness and fatigue. Regular physical activity can help combat that mid-afternoon slump and boost your alertness. If you find yourself often feeling lethargic, increase your physical activity for 1 week and see the benefits for yourself.

6. Increased Mental Alertness

Exercise doesn't just benefit your body; it also enhances cognitive function. Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain, leading to improved concentration and mental alertness. By incorporating fitness into your daily routine, you can sharpen your mind and enhance your productivity.

7. Social Connections

Maintaining social connections is absolutely vital for good mental health. Whether you join a group fitness class, make friends in the gym, or build a relationship with your PT, you'll find a supportive community that will give you that extra boost both mentally and physically while keeping fit.

This World Mental Health Day, remember that exercise is a powerful tool for improving and maintaining your mental well-being. With benefits like improved sleep, enhanced mood, stress relief, increased energy, reduced tiredness, heightened mental alertness, and social connections, exercise is a truly holistic approach to mental health care. So, take the step toward a healthier mind and body. Your mental health deserves it, and so do you.

At Pendle Leisure Trust we’re always here to support any and all goals. Please get in touch if you want to know how exercise can improve your life and we’ll be happy to help!