
Practical tips for preserving an exercise routine during Ramadan

Monday, 27th March 2023

Ramadan is a sacred and precious time in the Islamic calendar when Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. This involves refraining from food, drink, and other physical necessities during the daylight hours. Although fasting does present challenges it also provides a chance to exercise self-control and enhance both physical and spiritual well-being.

Nevertheless, individuals often express concerns about sustaining their workout regimen during Ramadan due to the limited food and water intake that can hinder physical activity. 

Practical tips for preserving an exercise routine during Ramadan

1.Plan your workouts

One of the key factors in maintaining exercise during Ramadan is planning. It's essential to schedule your workouts for times when you're likely to have the most energy. For most people, this means scheduling workouts after breaking their fast or just before they begin fasting. By planning your workouts in advance, you'll be able to manage your time more efficiently and ensure that you're getting the most out of your workouts.

2.Hydrate properly

Staying hydrated is crucial during Ramadan, especially when you're exercising. To ensure that you're hydrated, drink plenty of water during the hours that you're not fasting. You can also drink water during your meals, which will help you stay hydrated throughout the day. Additionally, you can drink electrolyte drinks, which will help you replenish lost minerals during exercise.

3.Focus on low-impact exercises

During Ramadan, it's important to focus on low-impact exercises that won't put too much strain on your body. Activities like yoga, pilates, and stretching are excellent choices, as they help to improve flexibility and reduce stress. You can also do light cardio exercises like walking or cycling, which will help you burn calories without putting too much strain on your body.

4.Pay attention to your body

It's important to listen to your body during Ramadan, especially when it comes to exercise. If you feel tired or weak, it's best to take a break and rest. Additionally, if you experience any pain or discomfort, stop exercising immediately and consult with a medical professional. It's better to take things slow and steady than to push yourself too hard and risk injury.

5.Eat healthy meals

During Ramadan, it's important to focus on healthy meals that provide you with the energy you need to exercise. Make sure that you're eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Avoid eating sugary or fatty foods, which can make you feel sluggish and tired.

In conclusion, maintaining exercise during Ramadan is challenging, but it's not impossible. By planning your workouts, hydrating properly, focusing on low-impact exercises, paying attention to your body, and eating healthy meals, you can stay fit and healthy during this holy month. Remember to take things slow and steady, and don't push yourself too hard. With a little bit of effort, you can maintain your exercise routine and reap the benefits of both fasting and exercise.